CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERS™ (CFP®) are licensed by the CFP® Board to use the CFP® mark. CFP® certification requirements include: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, completion of the financial planning education requirements set by the CFP® Board (www.cfp.net), successful completion of the CFP®Certification Exam, comprised of two three-hour sessions, experience requirement: 6,000 hours of professional experience related to the financial planning process, or 4,000 hours of Apprenticeship experience that meets additional requirements, successfully pass the Candidate Fitness Standards and background check, agree annually to be bound by CFP® Board’s Standards of Professional Conduct, and complete 30 hours of continuing education every two years, including two hours on the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.

Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) are licensed by the CFA® Institute to use the CFA® mark. CFA® certification requirements: Hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution or have equivalent education or work experience, successful completion of all three exam levels of the CFA® Program, have 48 months of acceptable professional work experience in the investment decision-making process, fulfill society requirements, which vary by society. Unless you are upgrading from affiliate membership, all societies require two sponsor statements as part of each application; these are submitted online by your sponsors.

The Charted Wealth Advisor is a designation awarded by the International Federation of Professional Managers UK in partnership with the Wealth Management Institute to financial advisors who work with high-net-worth clients.

The Financial Paraplanner Qualified Professional™ (FPQP™) is a designation covering the financial planning process, the five disciplines of financial planning, general financial planning concepts and terminology. Individuals who hold this designation have completed the 10-module course of study, and then successfully passed an exam. Designees must adhere to the College’s Standards of Professional Conduct and complete sixteen hours of continuing education every two years.

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, Certified Financial Planner®,  CFP Logo Flame Design and  CFP Logo Plaque Design in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.

Important Disclosures

Saling Wealth Advisors is an SEC registered investment adviser located in Louisville, Kentucky. A copy of Saling Wealth Advisors’ current written disclosure statement discussing Saling Wealth Advisors’ business operations, services, and fees is available at the SEC’s investment adviser public information website – www.adviserinfo.sec.gov or from Saling Wealth Advisors upon written request. Saling Wealth Advisors does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, timeliness, suitability, completeness, or relevance of any information prepared by any unaffiliated third party, whether linked to Saling Wealth Advisors’ web site or incorporated herein, and takes no responsibility therefor. All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes only and all users thereof should be guided accordingly.

This website and information are provided for guidance and information purposes only. Investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy. This website and information are not intended to provide investment, tax, or legal advice.